Live Tracking

Track your fleet in real-time with Tangerine’s fleet analytics dashboard. Get a complete record of daily KPIs like no. of vehicles in operation or requiring service, total distance, time and much more.

  • View live vehicle status updates such as speed, direction, driving duration, idling, recent stops etc.
  • View all vehicles on map view and toggle with satellite view to infer terrain type.
  • Get low-latency updates with a frequency of less than 5 seconds.
Driver Analytics

Elevate your fleet’s safety by examining your driver’s behavior on the road. Further, reduce costs on fuel usage, maintenance, and violations to create a strong safety culture.

  • Score drivers on behaviors like acceleration, braking, speeding, cornering & ride comfort.
  • Get driver safety reports to view hours of service (HOS) and vehicle idling.
  • Give feedback based on specific behavioral aspects.
Driver Analytics

Elevate your fleet’s safety by examining your driver’s behavior on the road. Further, reduce costs on fuel usage, maintenance, and violations to create a strong safety culture.

  • Score drivers on behaviors like acceleration, braking, speeding, cornering & ride comfort.
  • Get driver safety reports to view hours of service (HOS) and vehicle idling.
  • Give feedback based on specific behavioral aspects.
Comprehensive Ride History

Gain complete visibility into your fleet’s history with a detailed and accurate accounting of where your vehicle has been.

  • Access metrics like distance, time and mileage of all previous trips.
  • Geotag hard events to understand the patterns where it occurs.
  • Playback your trip to check vehicle location at particular timestamps and harsh events.
Smart Admin Profile

Admins stay one step ahead with Tangerine’s solutions by accessing the complete fleet data to make smarter and informed decisions.

  • Administer multiple users with applicable access privileges.
  • Access the user and vehicle details right from the Admin dashboard.
  • View the last unplug and data upload status for each vehicle.
Smart Admin Profile

Admins stay one step ahead with Tangerine’s solutions by accessing the complete fleet data to make smarter and informed decisions.

  • Administer multiple users with applicable access privileges.
  • Access the user and vehicle details right from the Admin dashboard.
  • View the last unplug and data upload status for each vehicle.
Instant Alerts

Monitor your fleet activity with real-time notifications to be aware of any unwanted situation.

  • Receive alerts when the geofence is breached and when the vehicle returns.
  • Get notified when the devices are inactive or are tampered with.
  • Get vehicle speeding, idling and harsh acceleration and braking alerts.
Vehicle Health Monitoring

Attend to and solve vehicle issues using proactive maintenance schedules to reduce unexpected breakdown, overall maintenance, and scheduled repairs, resulting in a smooth workflow. With Tangerine’s AI capabilities, also predict component failure and remaining useful like (RUL).

  • Get daily vehicle inspection reports (DVIR) directly from the Jido Drive app.
  • Analyze the vehicle fault information detected by the Jido Sense device.
  • Schedule vehicle servicing using preventive maintenance solutions.
Vehicle Health Monitoring

Attend to and solve vehicle issues using proactive maintenance schedules to reduce unexpected breakdown, overall maintenance, and scheduled repairs, resulting in a smooth workflow. With Tangerine’s AI capabilities, also predict component failure and remaining useful like (RUL).

  • Get daily vehicle inspection reports (DVIR) directly from the Jido Drive app.
  • Analyze the vehicle fault information detected by the Jido Sense device.
  • Schedule vehicle servicing using preventive maintenance solutions.
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